Record type |
No. records |
No. Identified in trees |
% identified in trees |
1851 census |
444 |
281 |
63% |
1881 census |
604 |
445 |
74% |
1891 census |
781 |
176 |
23% |
1901 census |
713 |
582 |
82% |
1911 census |
866 |
801 |
92% |
Civil registration to 2005 |
Births |
2701 |
1372 |
51% |
Marriages |
1995 |
760 |
38% |
Deaths |
1626 |
660 |
40% |
Named Gottses in trees |
4400 |
No of main trees |
28 |
Tree |
Person/ location |
No. people |
Tree |
Person/ location |
No. people |
40 |
William Burrage, Hevingham |
1401 |
71 |
Cawston, Aldermaston, Bushey |
389 |
22 |
Barningham Town, Ingworth |
868 |
9 |
Gresham |
373 |
34 |
Bacton, USA |
411 |
83 |
Bethnal Green, Hackney |
336 |
98 |
Methwold, Northwold |
340 |
97 |
Swaffham, USA |
204 |