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Gotts Surname Family History


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The Treasurer and Church Finance

John Benjamin Gotts, with circulars about methods of fund-raising

Published c1950

Copies held in Lancashire Record Office and British Library

John Benjamin 1049 Gotts in Tree #83

Bad Girls: The Musical  

Kath Gotts

Musical with a book by Maureen Chadwick and Ann McManus
Published 2006

Electrotherapy book: Apparatus Used in Electrotherapy and Actinotherapy

Enid Gotts

Written and published by Enid M Gotts, Dunedin, New Zealand in 1942

Tree: This is Enid Mary b 1908 in Camberwell,

Tree: #83

Various Research papers in the field of genetics

Sarah Gotts

Tree: #40

Dr Nick Gotts

Gotts, N.M. and Polhill, J.G. (2011) Size matters: large-scale replications of experiments with FEARLUS. Advances in Complex Systems 13, 453-467.

Gotts, N.M. (2011) Emergent Complexity in Conway’s Game of Life. In Adamatzky, A. (ed) Game of Life Cellular Automata, Springer, pp.389-436.

Polhill, J.G. and Gotts, N.M. (2009).  Ontologies for transparent integrated human-natural system modelling.  Landscape Ecology 24,1255-1267.

 Gotts, N.M. and Polhill, J.G. (2009).  When and how to imitate your neighbours: lessons from and for FEARLUS.  Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 12(3)2. URL: http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/12/3/2.html.

Gotts, N.M. (2007).  Resilience, panarchy and world-systems analysis. Ecology and Society 12, 24. URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol12/iss1/art24/.

Gotts, N.M., Polhill, J.G. and Law, A.N.R. (2003). Agent-based simulation in the study of social dilemmas.  Artificial Intelligence Review 19, 3-92. Reprinted in: Gilbert, N. (ed) (2010) Computational Social Science. SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods Series, Volume 3. Sage Publications.

Tree #022. See also Dr Nick Gotts’ website

Merger Control Review

Edited by Ilene Knable Gotts
Published 2011


The Private Competition Enforcement Review

Published 2012

by Law Business Research

Tree: ??

Wanstead Park leaflet

Brian Gotts

Photo credits for Epping forest leaflet on Wanstead Park, issued by Corporation of London

Tree: #40

“The draftsman was a Paddlefoot”

There is a book by an American called Glenn Matson entitled “The draftsman was a Paddlefoot”.  In it he describes a four year old Chris Gotts that he met. Also, he recounts meeting Chris in 1977 at a reunion where Chris gave him a remnant of one of their planes that crashed. (Chris is in tree 022)

Gottses who appear in print - 2

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