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A Gotts reunion for Robert and Susan Padgett

A Gotts reunion was held for descendants of Robert Gotts and Susan Padgett (tree #097) in 1994. Details were written up in the 'Newsweekly'

"Dr and Mrs Arthur Gotts of Vero Beach, Fl, Mr & Mrs Gotts of Gotts Corner, Caseville, and Carol McBride of Rochester Hills hosted a family reunion at the Franklin Inn, Bad Axe on Sunday 14 August 1994 for the descendants of Robert and Hannah Gotts and David and Alice Gotts Horton.

A short program was emceed by Dr Arthur Gotts. Carol McBride presented the Gotts family tree and a reading of “ An Ode to the Family” by Edith Bouck ( on her 75th birthday).

Irma Truran, 87-year-old grand-daughter of Robert and Hannah gave a reading on their lives.

Prizes were awarded to the following: Irma Truran, Evvet Gotts, Danicka Hewitt, Jay McBride and Robert McBride. Gotts family reunion T-shirts were distributed to the children by Mrs Arthur Gotts.

A floral arrangement by Debbie Dallas, great, granddaughter of Robert and Hannah, graced the table. An old framed picture of Susan Padgett, mother of Alice and Robert, was exhibited by Freida Horton Hyzer, granddaughter of Alice Gotts Horton.

Following the program, all were invited to tour the family homestead grounds at Gotts Corner, the farm home of William and Donna Gotts, in the family since 1864. Many items of family memorabilia were on display at the Gotts home and Franklin Inn.

Balloons were released to commemorate the lives and legacy of Gotts ancestors, including two white ones in memory of Robert and Hannah, four pink ones for their daughters and seven blue ones for their seven sons.

About 75 relatives attended from California, Wisconsin and various points in Michigan.

Thanks to Nancy Carlson-Gotts for this

7 Gotts Reunion in Bad Axe, Michigan

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