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Gotts Surname Family History


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Main UK data sources

This section  lists the main data sources I hold:


Civil Registration

Parish records

Family Search


Military records

The National Archive extracts

Lost a Gotts in the census?

Could be listed as Gott or Goths or Golts or Gatts or Cotts There are some variations on the name Gotts, eg Gott in Yorkshire and the North-east. Other variations I have found are:

 Cottes   Cotts   Gatt  Gatts  Golls  Gotch  Golts  Golty Goltz  Goths

 Gots Gott  Gottes  Gotz Potts

London School records

I have identified 95% of Gottses in the 1911 census, so if we can get back to there we should be able to link you into a tree.

Other data sources

I have also lists data from various other sources. These can be accessed through the Data sources submenus or the buttons below. They include:

The National Archive records

Various National Archive extracts of death duty registers, military records etc. Click on the link at RHS

London School records 1860-1900

The London School records for Gotts from Ancestry are now available

Data sources

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