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Gotts Surname Family History


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Robert John Pigott 769 and Anna Maria 770 Pells

Robert 769 is recorded born as Robert J Gotts in 1852 in Beckham. Besides being a cabinet/ furniture maker, Robert was also a pianist and violinist. His death is registered Robert JP Gotts, so the only record showing his full name is his baptism in West Beckham in May 1851. His first marriage was to Anna Maria 770 Pells in Walsingham district in 1872. Their children in Morston include:

See next page for Robert's second marriage

Pigott/Gotts research  More research by Cynthia and Robert:

Sarah Ann gave birth to Robert Pigott Gotts, who was baptised at West Beckham on 07/05/1851 as her illegitimate son. Again, using the logic that the name ‘Pigott’ related to the father, research of local parish records picks up ‘Pigott’ families in Salthouse and Sheringham, Sheringham being the closest to West Beckham.

Detailed review of the Sheringham Parish Records reveals that two Robert Pigotts: Robert Pigott b 1795 is the father of Robert Pigott b 1825.  Again, using the same logic relating to Alias and the fathers Christian name, either Robert b 1795 was the father of Sarah Ann’s child, or it was his son Robert b 1825.  Given the fact that Robert senior would have been 56 at the time of the birth of Robert Pigott Gotts it is more likely that Robert junior who was 26 at the time of the birth, is the father of Sarah’s child.

Originally it was thought that Robert’s name was ‘Piggin'  as Robert's son and grandson both knew him as this. This research shows this to be ‘Pigott’, which is quite a close spelling, but makes a big difference in investigation.

038 - 3 Robert J 769 Pigott Gotts & Anna Maria Pells

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This is the Robert Gotts family, around 1892 or 1893. Robert John Piggott is Gotts middle row left side (1851-1931), then the women to the right and above are his daughters: Minnie Elizabeth b 1873, Rose Anna (or Roxanna) b 1874, Sarah Ann b 1876.  The oldest boy top left is Robert Barnabus b 1877, top right is Ernest Daniel b 1879, and boys in the front row are: Obadiah Pells b 1883, Herbert Samuel b 1881, and far right, Charles William b 1885. Since the mother of these children, Anna Maria Pells (b. 1849) died in 1889, the older woman to the far right middle row could be be the mother of Robert JP Gotts, Sarah Ann Gotts (Witton) (1826-1913).

Photos c/o Chuck Newyar, Cynthia Nisbet